LED lamps

They come on when the engine is started. Depending on the destination country,

They come on when the engine is started. Depending on the destination country, they are used for:

- daytime running lamps * in day mode and sidelamps in night mode (they are brighter when daytime running lamps), or
- sidelamps in day and night mode.

    See also:

    Service indicator
    System which informs the driver when the next service is due, in accordance with the manufacturer's servicing schedule. The point at which the service is due is calculated from the last indicat ...

    Speed limiter "LIMIT"
    1. Limiter mode Selection / Off. 2. Decreasing the programmed value. 3. Increasing the programmed value. 4. Speed limiter On / Off. The values must be set with the engine running. ...

    Exiting economy mode
    These functions are reactivated automatically next time the vehicle is driven. To restore these functions immediately, start the engine and let it run for at least five minutes. A flat battery pre ...