Screenwash fluid level

Top up the level when necessary.

Top up the level when necessary.

Fluid specification

For optimum cleaning and to avoid freezing, this fluid must not be topped up or replaced with plain water.

    See also:

    USB port / Jack auxiliary socket
    This connection box, consisting of a JACK auxiliary socket and a USB port, is located on the centre console. It allows the connection of portable device, such as a digital audio player of the i ...

    Deactivating the rear window controls
    For the safety of your children, press switch 5 to prevent operation of the windows of the rear doors, irrespective of their position. With the warning lamp on, the rear switches are deactivated. ...

    Diesel engines
    The various caps and covers allow access for checking the levels of the various fluids, for replacing certain components and for priming the fuel system. 1. Screenwash reservoir. 2. Coolant reserv ...