
Audible warning system to alert other road users to an imminent danger.

Press the central part of the multifunction steering wheel.

Press the central part of the multifunction steering wheel.

Use the horn moderately and only in the following circumstances:

- immediate danger,
- approaching a location lacking visibility.

    See also:

    Dimensions (in mm)

    Engines and gearboxes (4C, 4R, 4E, 4H)
    4C...: 5-door. 4R...: 5-door "Van". 4E...: SW with bench rear seat. 4H...: SW with individual rear seats. .../S: model fitted with Stop & Start. .../1S: model fitted with Stop & ...

    Brake pads
    Brake wear depends on the style of driving, particularly in the case of vehicles used in town, over short distances. It may be necessary to have the condition of the brakes checked, even between ...