Audible warning to alert other road users to an imminent danger.
Press one of the spokes of the steering wheel.
Use the horn moderately and only
in the following cases:
- immediate danger,
- when approaching an area where there is no visibility.
See also:
Wiper controls
The vehicle's front and rear wipers are designed to improve the driver's visibility
progressively according to the climatic conditions. ...
Service overdue
For 5 seconds after the ignition is switched on, the spanner fl ashes to indicate
that the service must be carried out as soon as possible.
Example: the service is overdue by 186 miles (300 km).
F ...
Misfuel prevention (diesel)
Mechanical device which prevents filling the tank of a Diesel vehicle with petrol.
It avoids the risk of engine damage that can result from filling with the wrong
Located in the filler neck ...